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SOA, the 17th of October 2017

Vice-Chancellor, Madam Secretary General, Technical Adviser,

Ladies and gentlemen, the directors of the central services,

Ladies and Gentlemen Heads of School

( Ladies and Gentlemen ) Dear Promoters and Directors of Private Institutes of Higher Education, Yaoundé University Institute of Protestant (IUPY);Panafrican Institute for Development (IPD) and Polytechnic University Institute Bansoa (IUPB)

Ladies and gentlemen, teachers in your grades and functions,

Ladies, gentlemen administrative and technical staff,

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Guests,

It is an honor and a real pleasure for me to chair this ceremony of signing an academic tutelage convention between the University of Yaoundé II and three private institutes of higher education which are the Protestant University Institute of Yaounde (IUPY); the Panafrican Institute for Development (IPD) and the Polytechnic University Institute Bansoa (IUPB).

This signing ceremony is undoubtedly an expression of our university's willingness to respond to the requests of private institutes of higher education by providing them with tools and instruments as well as the resources to accompany the academic, social and economic progress of our country.

The conventions that we are signing today commit us to work, now more than before, to the training of young Cameroonians, and to offer them a quality education in order to give them the means to enter the world of work which is more and more competitive.

Indeed, ladies and gentlemen, you and we carry the commitment, through these academic supervision, to fight against the unemployment of our young graduates. That's why our ambitions come together in these conventions whose objective

is indeed to formalize our partnership, in terms of ideas, but first and foremost in terms of actions. Because our actions demonstrate, better than words, our real and sincere implication, to advance our academic institutions. It is a privilege to be able to transform, to improve a society for the good of the greatest number, especially the youngest. We have the responsibility for their education. We can not disappoint. On the contrary, we have the duty to dream and dream these young people. We must allow them to be full citizens regardless of which university they belong to.

We serve all citizens.

This ceremony is therefore for our university and for you, partners present here, an important moment because it materializes our will to cooperate for the good our higher education.

It is also an important moment as it reflects the dynamism and diversity of national interuniversity cooperation.

Finally, it is an important moment because the signing of these conventions comes at the moment when we take the reins of the University of Yaounde II and that we have decided to raise it to the rank of the best African universities.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The conventions we are signing today also aim to consolidate relations between public universities and private institutes of higher education in order to better optimize the supervision of young Cameroonians.

They then aim to develop and improve the conditions of reception and management of the ever-growing number of our students by decongesting public universities while giving the opportunity to students trained in private institutes to remain competitive through quality training. which meets the national and international requirements of higher education, so that they have the chance, at

same as their comrades from public universities,

to be effective thanks to quality training.

These agreements are aimed at helping the development of actions towards Cameroonian students by giving them a variety of choices for their training.

Ladies and Gentlemen the promoters

The signing of an academic tutelage agreement implies taking into account and above all respect for each part of its rights and obligations, particularly in terms of academic capacity building. As far as we are concerned, the University of Yaoundé II will not skimp on any means to fulfill its obligations in particular as regards the periodic control of teaching, the assessment of knowledge and training programs. It will also ensure that its rights as set out in the partnership agreements are respected.

These agreements have a renewable term of three years after evaluation at the end of the third year. This evaluation will be the determining factor for their renewal. As you are without ignoring it, we have goals for our

university, these objectives will obviously have repercussions on the institutions under guardianship and vice versa, for this reason, we will make a point of honor so that the relations between the University of Yaoundé II and the private institutes under guardianship do not taint our willingness to become one of the best universities in Africa. We invite you to work in your respective structures and with your means, to the success of our joint projects.

We assure you already that we will make every effort for a fruitful cooperation between the University of Yaoundé II and each of your educational structures. We dare to believe that it will be the same for what it concerns you,

In order to live up to university cooperation,

Long live the Cameroonian University,

I thank you for your kind attention.

Pr Adolphe Minkoa She

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